A rekindling

If you have occasionally glanced at my blog posts over the past nearly two years, you will have noted one consistent fact: there have been none! The last post was back in the early part of 2015, after which my focus shifted more my writing and less to my site. Something of an omission, on reflection, and I’ve decided that this post, in the final hours (in UK) of 2016, will be the first of more frequent offerings. (more…)

Spreading the word – HK Book reading/Phuket school visit

Book readings are a great way to spread the word about a new release. As reported in an earlier post, about a year ago, a couple of months after Rare Traits was published, I gave a talk about it and a reading of three short passages at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club in Hong Kong. The evening went well, several books were sold and feedback was good.

Being in Hong Kong again recently, I thought I’d repeat the event for book number two (more…)

Hong Kong: Book Reading/Signing and a Radio Interview!

Our recent trip up to Hong Kong for three weeks from our winter hideaway in Phuket had a number of goals. First and foremost, we were there to see the Hong Kong branch of the family: stepdaughter Zoe and granddaughters Lily and Phoebe – do you recognise the names from Rare Traits? (more…)

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